Learn Git through practice

GitByBit is a unique course that teaches you Git through practice right in your code editor. You follow on-screen instructions and perform Git commands in your code editor exactly as you would in your daily work. Start from the very basics and bit-by-bit learn everything there is to know about Git.

Course content

Each lesson in the course takes about 5-10 minutes to complete and requires you to perform a series of Git commands in your code editor. This course is tightly integrated with your code editor, so if you make a mistake, the course can detect it and suggest a solution.

This way, you learn by doing with the immediate feedback.

Part I: Working Solo

This part is designed for beginners who want to learn Git from scratch.

It teaches the essential Git commands and concepts, and let you practice them in a safe environment. By the end of this course, you will be able to work with Git on your solo projects.

1. Introduction to version control

  • What is version control
  • Why use version control
  • Introduction to Git
  • How Git works

2. Setting up Git

  • Installing Git
  • Command line and terminal
  • The `git` command
  • Configuring Git credentials
  • Configuring line endings treatment
  • Configuring default branch name

3. Getting files into the repository

  • Initializing repository
  • Adding files to the repository
  • Adding and committing changes
  • Checking the status of the repository

4. Resetting unwanted changes

  • Comparing the working tree with the repository
  • Discarding local changes
  • Discarding staged changes
  • Amending the last commit

5. Tagging and branching

  • Referencing commits
  • Tags
  • Branches and branching strategies
  • Creating and switching branches
  • Merging branches

6. History

  • Browsing history
  • Checking the difference between commits
  • Reverting changes made by older commits
  • Resetting branches

7. Remotes and GitHub

  • What is a remote repository
  • Creating a GitHub repository
  • Adding GitHub repository as a remote
  • Setting up GitHub credentials
  • Pushing and pulling changes from a remote repository
  • Danger of rewriting history on a public repository

Course stats

48 lessons
4 hours
19 Git commands
27 concepts, terms, and best practices
55 quizzes

Part II: Working in a Team coming soon

This part is designed for developers who plan to collaborate with others using Git—either on a job or when contributing to open source projects. You will learn how to develop the same piece of code with other people, how to resolve conflicts, how to create and review pull requests, and how to use advanced Git commands like git rebase or git blame. By the end of this course, you will be ready to collaborate with others using Git.

Your own Git encyclopedia

As you progress through the course, you collect Git commands and concepts, best practices, and expert tips in your own Gitopedia. This is your personal Git encyclopedia that you can refer to at any time. It's a great way to remember Git commands and concepts and to quickly look up things you've forgotten.

It's also a great way to realize how much you've learned over time!

Focused practice

Knowing Git concepts is one thing, but being able to apply them in practice is another. That's why GitByBit lets you practice selected Git routines to build them into your muscle memory. You'll be able to perform these routines in your daily work without thinking about them.

Practice is the only way to Git mastery!

Staging & committing

Practice staging and committing changes to the repository quickly and efficiently. We supply the changes, you supply the commands.

15 minutes / 5 steps
6 concepts & commands
Resetting working directory
Practice resetting changes in the working directory, staging area, etc. We supply the dirty working directory, you clean it using git commands.
15 minutes / 5 steps
5 concepts & commands
Reverting old changes

Practice reverting commits in various ways. You can reset the branch to a previous commit, or you can revert a commit by creating a new commit that undoes the changes. We supply the wrong commits, you supply the commands to fix them.

Digging through history

Practice finding the right commit in the history. You can use git log, git show, git diff, and other commands to inspect the history of the repository. We supply the repository, you supply the commands to find the right commit.

Dealing with a rejected push

You are trying to push your changes to the remote repository, but someone else has pushed their changes before you? Practice resolving the situation.

Fun quizzes

Reinforce your knowledge with fun quizzes that provide you with instant feedback and explain the concepts in more detail. You'll be able to test your knowledge, see how well you've learned the material, and learn new things along the way.

Here's a sample quiz from the chapter 6, Git history:

5/8: When you revert a commit using git revert, what happens to the commit history?

Any questions or feedback?

Hi, I'm Alex Shvets, the author of GitByBit and Refactoring.Guru

If you have any questions or feedback about the course, feel free to contact me via email support@gitbybit.com. I am always happy to help you with any issues you might have. I am also open to any suggestions on how to improve the course.

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